interventions with Chhattisgarh State Government
Health Mitanin
Chhattisgarh Govertment implemented this programme through State Health Resources Center at state level. At District level, implementation agency was known as District health comitee under chairmanship of District collector.
In chhattisgarhi language ‘mitanin’ means female friend. So a women who works for health at grass root level is called Health Mitanin. It was a community based programme where community choose & monitor mitanins work.
NABARD Wadi Development Programme
NABARD has been closely associated with tribal development and sustainable livelihoods through orchard based farming systems. As an integral component of NABARD’s Natural Resource Management (NRM) policy of providing sustainable livelihoods. Tribal Development Fund (TDF) had provided several insights for NABARD in framing strategies for holistic development of tribal regions. “wadi model” of tribal development has been acclaimed worldwide as a sustainable and replicable model for poverty alleviation. The model was recognized as a successful replicable model for poverty alleviation together with suitable fruit crops, intercrops, soil conservation, water resource development and other measures for improving the quality of tribal life such as socio economic development, community health & sanitation, women development, institutional development, etc.

Soil loss due to erosion coupled with reduced water resources has led to a situation of rapid soil fertility deterioration, declining/stagnating of crop yields, depletion of ground water levels, deforestation, denudation and destruction of natural pasture. Exploring the full potential of rain fed agriculture to meet the food, fodder and fuel requirement , is the only alternative, . The potential for increasing the irrigable area and enhancing productivity from irrigated lands has its limitations. The remaining land has to depend on rain fed farming forever. There-fore if has to conserve and develop natural resources in rain fed areas to improve their production and productivity, their development on watershed basis is inevitable. So
the “Watershed Development Programme” has started with the help and valued guidance of NABARD.
Climate Change Adaptation Programme
NABARD in collaboration with KfW has developed a project for Integration of Watershed Development strategies with Climate Change Adaptation for Rehabilitation of Degraded Soils. This project incorporates issues of Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) in watersheds threatened by degradation, by improving soil health through climate sensitive investments. The project has been approved for support from the German Government (BMZ) under its initiative “One World without Hunger (SEWOH) for controlling soil erosion and rehabilitation of degraded soils especially in areas with communities who are significantly vulnerable to negative impacts of climate changes.

Mobilization of producers in a joint platform especially of small and marginal farmers, into Producer Organisations has emerged as an effective pathway to address many challenges of the agriculture sector, especially improved access to investments, technology, inputs and markets.To provide the required assistance and resources – policy action, inputs, technical knowledge, financial resources and infrastructure to strengthen these FPOs.
NABARD has created Producer Organisation Development Fund.
All FPOs formed by agency are engaged in agricultural activities with marketing of all types of produce coming out of their Wadis and their cultivable lands but FPOs have not entered into the arena of Value Addition as they lack appropriate skills and proper guidance. Since all these FPOs are working with a common motive there aroused a need of collaborating them together so that they jointly work for their future development. With the motive of collaboration of all wadi beneficiaries of FPOs together a Producer Company was formed by the agency called SahyogHaritima Producer Company Limited.

NABARD E-Shakti Programme
NABARD has launched a project titled “EShakti” for the digitization of all members of Self Help Group (SHG) in India.Self-Help Groups (SHGs) are small voluntary associations of poor people, preferably from the same socio-economic background. They come together for the purpose of solving their common problems through self-help and mutual help. The SHG promotes small savings among its members. The savings are kept with a bank.The project aims to bring all SHG members under the fold of financial inclusion thereby helping them access wider range of financial services. EShakti is designed to capture the demographic and financial profiles of members, including their identification data like Aadhaar and EPIC (Electors Photo Identity Card).
Success Stories - Our Beneficiaries says