National Horticulture Mission (NHM)
First National project of its kind in Chhattisgarh, Plantation of Cashew, Lime, E. Cetriodora Lemongrass, Pachouli and Khas and Mango was done in 2150 Hectare. under the project promotion of medicinal, vegetable and cash as inter-crop was done and provided technical support about 1800 farmers.
1800 farmers in 60 villages of 3 Blocks of Raigarh District had been benefited by the National Horticulture Programme.

“Wadi” in Gujarati means a ‘small orchard’ covering one acre. The “Wadi” maybe of mango, cashew, pear or any fruit crop suitable to that area or a combination of these crops, with forestry species on the periphery of the land holding. Two or more fruit crops are selected in the Wadi model to minimize climatic, biological and marketing risks.
interventions in the Wadi
- Soil conservation
- Water resource development
- Agriculture development
- Women’s empowerment
- Health interventions
Itinerate Since 2005
Organization has been implementing Wadi project since 2005 with the association of NABARD. There are 8 project (Duldula I & II, Kunkuri I Gersa, Kapu, Sarangarh, Manora I & Farshabahar II) successfully completed by the organization. A total of 13,000 Rural tribal families have been benefited from this wadi development programme. NOW, 5 wadi project ongoing in Jashpur & Balrampur district of Chhattisgarh. A total of 3880 beneficiaries (Rural tribal families) are participating in the execution of Wadi development project
There are 5 Wadi projects is ongoing in Jashpur district by the Agency Raigarh SahyogSamiti, in which 4200 Wadis has been successfully completed in the given time duration, These wadis are spread in ........village of 05 blocks. Cluster approach is adopted in each village for the purpose of administrative monitoring supervision and marketing
RSS is implementing the comprehensive Tribal development Project under NABARD Tribal Development Fund,As an integral component of NABARD’s Natural Resource Management (NRM) policy.
Vegetable cultivation
Vegetable cultivation prompted by Organization as intercrops with horticulture plants. Organic Vegetable cultivation (farming) helps to increase soil fertility, sustainable farming, safe environment etc. The main theme of this farming is “More production in low cost”. Keeping this point in view, under this project, organic vegetable production will be promoted to tribal farmers so that they can take additional income with using of low inputs.
Main crops in wadi
wadi model has implement on one acre of barren land ,each one acre Wadi raising 50-55 fruit plants suitable to that area and 100-200 forestry plants on the boundary.Two or more fruit crops are selected to minimize climatic and marketing risks.
Organization is promoting combination of Mango+Cashew and Mango+ Pear as main crop .
RSS is implementing the comprehensive Tribal development Project under NABARD Tribal Development Fund,As an integral component of NABARD’s Natural Resource Management (NRM) policy.
Advance Farming-System of Rice Intensification (SRI) technique
Chhattisgarh is traditionally known as the Rice Bowl of India. Over 20,000 rice varieties have been recorded in the region. These are a result of centuries of rice farming by indigenous communities through selection and adaptation to a variety of soil, water and micro-ecosystems conditions including predators. Today these varieties are being lost with market forces promoting so called high yielding varieties and synthetic fertilizer and pesticide-based agriculture that focuses only on yield, as well as the general but incorrect perception of traditional varieties as low yielding. There has also been tremendous loss of traditional knowledge associated with traditional agro-ecosystems and production practices.
Promotion of System of Rice Intensification(SRI)
organization has been working in Raigarh & Jashpur district and promoting agro- biodiversity conservation and secure livelihood and nutrition to farmers. NABARD has supported to organization in this and sanctioned the Project, Promotion of System of Rice Intensification(SRI) for a period 2 year. 1512 farmers 57 village from 4 Blocks has directly benefitted by SRI Programme.