Organization has promoted Self-Help Groups (SHGs). SHGs are small voluntary associations of poor people, preferably from the same socio-economic background. They come together for the purpose of solving their common problems through self-help and mutual help. The SHG promotes small savings among its members and savings are kept with a bank.
Balwadi held in village by SHGs member with purpose of educate their children one of educated member conduct such balwadi in village .

Livehood Enterprise Development Programme
Under Livelihood Enterprise Development Programme (LEDP) Organization has provided Training on Vermicomposting and Nursery Development to 150 members of 14 SHGs in the 4 villages of Kunkuri and Duldula Block of Jashpur District
Horticulture and Forestry plantation is widely acclaimed as sunrise sector that provides opportunities for improving economic conditions of the farmers and entrepreneurs, creating diversified opportunities with high value crops, increasing the productivity of land, providing nutritional security, generating employment, ensuring ecological sustainability. So the SHG’s can adopt Nursery as a good alternative for Income generation. Since women remain engaged in agriculture activities, nursery raising can be easily done by them if guided under the assistance of Technical experts.

In nature’s laboratory there are a number of organisms (micro and macro) that have the ability to convert organic waste into valuable resources containing plant nutrients and organic matter, which are critical for maintaining soil productivity. Microorganisms and earthworms are important biological organisms helping nature to maintain nutrient flows from one system to another and also minimize environmental degradation. Vermicomposting is a simple biotechnological process of composting, in which certain species of earthworms are used to enhance the process of waste conversion and produce a better end product. The use of Vermicompost will finally result in Sustainable Agriculture & Minimal Resource Utilization system as the soil health, soil structure, aeration, water holding capacity etc. will improve. The soil micronutrients need will be fulfilled & extra chemical fertilizer application will be reduced & so the production cost will be reduced. Finally it will be helpful in improving the income level of the beneficiary.
NABARD Village Development Programme - “ग्राम उत्थान योजना”
Number of training programme was organized under the programme in Sarangarh and Dharamjaigarh Block. In kapartunga village of sarangarh block, Formulation of need based, realistic and area specific training has given to strengthen women financial activity .

Skill Development Programme
Organization had held the various skill development training under the VDP Programme & under the Chhattisgarh state Govt. “मुख्यमंत्री कौशल विकास योजना “ programme. Organization selected as Project facilitate agency (PFA). The objective of this Skill Certification programme is to strengthen Self reliance & financial independcy independency. training programme has given optimum results to empower the women.